Struggling with content ideas? Here are 10 ideas to help you push through those content ruts:
1. Local Biz Shoutout
Whether it’s a cozy coffee shop in your town or your favorite boutique, share your favorite small businesses with your audience & be sure to tag them!
2. Your “Workspace”
Get creative with this one & take your audience behind the scenes. Whether you work out of a kitchen, office, car, salon, gym, or a coffee shop like me, let your audience see where the magic happens!
3. How To/Tip
Think of FAQs from your clients and provide a valuable tip or tutorial! Remember, you are an expert & people want to learn from YOU.
4. A Recent Victory
Share a recent accomplishment or success story for your business.
5. Client/Customer Story
Let people know how you helped a recent client/customer and how you fixed a problem.
6. Funny/Inspirational Quote
Search Pinterest for a quote that will speak to your audience & make it yours on Canva! But BE SURE to give credit when credit is due.
7. Sneak Peek
Working on a freebie? Have a promotion coming up? Give your audience a glimpse into what you have in store!
8. Introduce Yourself
Have some fun with this one. Share what you do, where you’re from, what you do when you aren’t working, & an interesting fact about yourself!
9. Who Inspires You
Whether it’s your parents, your spouse, your kids, or someone in your niche, share how they inspire you.
10. Favorite Food/Drink
Nothing connects people quite like food & drinks! And since National Coffee Day, Cheeseburger Day, & Pancake Day all fall in September, take advantage of these fun days and share what you like! (PS, if you don’t get my monthly content calendar with National Days, click here to become an Insider!)
Now go and crank out some awesome content!!
What’s your favorite content to write?!

Struggling to write valuable content, find niche hashtags, and grow your business on social media? We have trainings for all this (and more) inside The Social Squad Society! See you inside!
P.S…Does just thinking about planning content for social media stress you out? Well what if I told you it’s possible to plan and write a month’s worth of content in under an hour?! I promise it’s possible. Ready to take the guesswork and frustration (and hair-pulling) out of content planning? Watch this FREE 15-Minute Training!
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